Saturday, June 9, 2012

Missouri Ice Age cave slowly revealing treasures Missouri Cave Is an Ice Age Time Capsule by MISSY SHELTON Listen All Things Considered Add to Playlist Download Transcript

Missouri Cave Is an Ice Age Time Capsule

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Genius Insight App can analyze your voice to find out what is wrong with you!

Evolution Research - General Evolution News: Missouri Ice Age cave slowly revealing treasures five years on

Monday, April 30, 2012

"Ale Loya LI" International Border Crossing- Mohawk War Hero on July 4, 2009

On 4th of July , Akwesasne in soladarity exercizing rights of passage over the International Bridge located in upstate N.Y. and Canada.
U.S. Custom officials inform Mohawks to cross the International border by barge or drive 100 miles around and cross at another bridge as a result of CBSA abandoning their post in Mohawk Territory.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Missouri Historical Society Collections - Missouri Historical Society - Google Books

Missouri Historical Society Collections - Missouri Historical Society - Google Books

A Safe, Secure Means of Investing? Try CRIS. - November 2008 - The Third Branch

A Safe, Secure Means of Investing? Try CRIS. - November 2008 - The Third Branch

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

All of the males in the class wrote: “A woman, without her man, is nothing.”
All the females in the class wrote: “A woman: without her, man is nothing.”

Counting Coup – Lakota Citizens Stop US Helicopters from Landing at Wounded Knee

May 3, 2010 by   
Filed under CultureNews
By : Russell Means
In answer to today’s United States Government and its Colonial Corporation, the Oglala Sioux Tribal Govenment’s press conference:
“We the Lakotah People, do not want our massacred dead bodies of Men, Women and Children at the mass grave at Wounded Knee used for publicity by the United States Government nor their colonial corporation, the Oglala Sioux Tribal Government.”
On May 1, 2010, two young men, the Camp brothers counted coup on the first 7th Cavalry helicopter and Debbie White Plume, an elder and grandmother who charged the second helicopter preventing it from landing. By running under the blades and touching them without harming the enemy and getting away is how the Lakotah counted coup on this eventful day.
May 2, 2010 at 9:35am
To the Original Peoples of the Fourth World and all International Press Services:
At high noon today US Army helicopters of the US Seventh Cavalry air division attempted to land their Blackhawk aircraft upon Lakota Sacred Burial grounds in South Dakota. The presence of military aircraft from this unit is a sad and insulting reminder of the slaughter of more than 300 American Aboriginals on December 29, 1890 when soldiers of the US 7th Cavalry gunned down more than 300 Aboriginal Minneconjou Lakota refugee children, women, infants and the elderly at what is now called Wounded Knee in South Dakota Indian Country. The military then left the bodies of their victims to decay unburied in the driving snow.
According to reports from Indigenous Rights Movement Radio host Wanblee this afternoon, Lakota resident Theresa TwoBulls was given less than 24 hrs notice that three US Army 7th Cavalry helicopters would make a landing on the sacred burial grounds at Wounded Knee. As of this writing, the US military was confronted by angry but peaceful and steadfast community resistance as the Aboriginal people of the area have so far, according to reports from Lakota people on the ground, managed to prevent the aircraft from touching Indigenous ground.
For all American Aboriginals of the Americas, this is a sacred area. This is the place where the promise of a people died while fleeing from a genocidal US military unit hell-bent on liquidating the continent of its Indigenous population. There has never been any official apology offered for this massacre and the military awards bestowed upon the genocidal aggressors involved in this conflict still stand, as does a physical monument in honour of the US Army killed during Custer’s “last stand” against a defiant and united Indigenous resistance to their own demise.
The history of the US Army 7th Cavalry is important to understanding the level of violence used against Indigenous peoples. It is important to remember that after the US Seventh Cavalry officially ended the “Indian Wars” at home, they were then dispatched to do battle against Indigenous Filipinos struggling to maintain their hard-won national independence from the colonialist Spanish. In other words, the US War Department sent this very same unit to do overseas what was done here to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. In this historical light, it is only logical for Indigenous peoples to assume that the Obama administration is attempting to make a political point out of this spectacle. Only, what sort of message are you sending by insulting and humiliating a people already suffering from five centuries of continuous pro-Europocentric, anti-Indigenous genocide?
This domestic military action is a deliberate insult and an obvious message of ongoing colonialism, state-sponsored racism and apathetic Indigenous genocide to all Indigenous peoples across the Fourth World; to the whole of the Lakota/Dakota Nation; and to the Indigenous residents of Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee. The symbolism of dispatching the Seventh Cavalry to Wounded Knee in an attempt to land weapons of mass destruction on Aboriginal sacred ground tells us how little this government, and this particular administration, respects the people of Indian Country and our significant historical perspective as survivors of the racist Euro-settler xenophobic purges waged against the Indian in the Americas.
To make matters worse, this action comes on the heels of newly-passed legislation in Arizona state that requires law officers to racially-profile anyone they believe “looks”, “sounds” or “dresses” like an illegal immigrant, a thinly veiled “race law” that directly effects both our Indigenous sisters and brothers native to Occupied Mexico as well as the Native American population of Arizona in the United States. Given that most Indigenous peoples of the Americas share the same general physiotype and more often than not, similar Spanish last names, the passage of this guideline will without a doubt lead to widespread abuses against that state’s brown-skinned population. The legal door now opened, Texas and other states led by neo-confederate constituencies are moving to pass their own anti-immigrant/anti-Indigenous directives that will broadly effect anyone and everyone who could be perceived by the colonial European majority as a “foreign invader”.
The Obama administration has shown America and the world that they are no different than any other previous US government in their view that the American Indian on both sides of the US border is nothing more than a prop or a tool to be displayed only when it is useful to promote the “contemporary” 21st century neo-colonialist capitalist agenda. The Obama administration, an office headed by a man of African descent, has shamed itself and all those who have supported his candidacy in arrogantly dismissing the memory of our people interred at Wounded Knee by rubbing the military might of the historically anti-Indigenous 7th Cavalry in our faces by forcibly entering Indian Country in an attempt to land their machines of war on top of the bodies of our ancestral dead.
Clearly, the culture war against the American Indian is not over. Welcome to the new American century.
Pass this on We must get the word out…..Let everyone know..Contact the your local media….Tell them the the Local Media in (Rapid City, SD) haven’t even mentioned this in the news…So typical for rapid city SD media…and if they did post it, it would not be the truth..I tried to contact the Rapid City Urinal….LOL. They wont return my calls or post any of the comments I have made in defense of our people.
James ( Magaska) Swan AIM Black Hills South Dakota
iReport —CNN news 5/3/2010
Today at just past Noon Central Time; Three US Army Helicopters attepted to land on Lakota Sacred Burial grounds at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
The Helicopters were from the Seventh Cavalry which were Historically remnants of General G.A. Custer whose troops were defeated at Little Big Horn in one of the Many battles the United States as they waged a war of attrition and Genocide on Native Americans after the Civil War.
On Dec 28, 1890 remnants of the Seventh Cavalry Mowed down more than 300 Babies, Children, Women, Old People and Men; at what is now called Wounded Knee, South Dakota and left their Victims bodies unburied and Frozen.
Theresa TwoBulls was given less than 24 hrs Notice that Three US Army 7th Cav helicopters would Land on the Burial Grounds at Wounded Knee today.
They were met with Peaceful but Firm resistance, as Lakota (Sioux) Women and Children stood Immobile on that Sacred Ground, preventing the Gross, Unspeakable Insult of 7th Cav. choppers to Land on the same ground where more than 300 Murder Victims lay Buried.
A Lakota Mother said..”I cannot believe they are doing this, have they ( 7th Cav) NO Respect for Our Dead ” ?
Evidently the 3 Helicopters & Brass in Charge did not know their history..and what a Unspeakable Insult it was to the Residents of Pine Ridge, Wounded Knee and the Lakota People; to have the ACTUAL Seventh Cavalry Choppers attempt to land on this Sacred Ground.
This was Broadcast Live on Blogtalkradio, Indigenous People Rights today.
More to follow as reports come in.

Hau Mitaku Oyapi (Hello My Relatives),

A few comments on Patriarchy, vis-à-vis, Matriarchy: Many People believe
Matriarchy is the flip side of the coin of Patriarchy (therefore inducing
the Patriarchs with fear) in reality, matriarchy is a balanced society.
Matriarchy is a highly complex society that would take a book to explain.

I am going to attempt a simple explanation as a way of introduction. But
before I can do that, I have to explain why I, a male, am attempting to
explain Matriarchy. Matriarchy was the rule of human existence for eons and
that is why it is a complex society. The vast majority of Indigenous People
of the world are still Matriarchal. For each exception there exists, it
only goes to prove the rule.

My People, Lakota, also known as Sioux
Indians, are Matriarchal. I was raised in a Matriarchal home, and when I
married, I married into Matriarchal homes. I know my history and I know my
People, therefore I can speak about the values and complexity of Matriarchy.

Matriarchy is a balanced society. Now listen very carefully, and please
attempt to grasp the big picture. In our Matriarchal society, all the sexes
celebrate our strengths. We are a society completely devoted to not harming
another living being's feelings; be it an insect, a tree, our Grandmother,
the Earth, or anyone that lives. We understand that all life comes from one
Mother and it is our duty to respect our relatives. Another simple
explanation is: try to imagine raising a child without the word no, which
is another manifestation of Matriarchy. Imagine a society building a
structure wherein you do not put anyone in a position to say no. Try to
understand how these Matriarchal societies built clan systems that prevent
incest at every level and provides for instant conflict resolution.

Women live longer than men can endure more pain and therefore have more
endurance than men. It is a natural law to build your clan system based
upon the lineage of women. Added to those obvious strengths, the female
human being is the only creature in all of life that is purified naturally
after every 28 days. Every woman knows that when they live in close
proximity with one another, their purification cycles synchronize. When
they live in a small village, therefore, they are not only in synch with
one another; their purification cycle gets in rhythm with the universe,
which is manifested through the full moon. When the holy roman catholic
empire conquered the barbarians to the north, one way they instilled
Patriarchy was through the creation of Halloween. In other words, when the
women honored their purification by removing themselves from their homes
and collectively enjoying themselves for four or so days, the men were left
with not only their duties, but all those of the women. So the romans with
the sword in one hand and their medievil bible in the other hand (those
medievil teachings have not changed) would tell the men of the villages
that their women were out practicing witchcraft and brewing up evil spells
that made them subservient. The rest is his-story.

Now the obvious. Patriarchy is a fear based society where man rules alone.
Therefore it is unbalanced. Patriarchy reared its ugly head over 6000 years
ago at the same time as the marketplace became his tool. Patriarchy and the
marketplace cannot exist without one another.The marketplace engenders
greed which engenders empire. When one takes a close look at the histories
of all Patriarchal empires, you will find that they make the same mistakes
over and over and over and over again. From the ming dynasty to kublai khan
to the egyptians, the greeks, the romans, the sun never sets on the english
empire, the soviet union, and now the torture ridden empire of america.
Nothing has changed for patriarchy, before jesus christ, or after jesus
christ, before muhammed or after muhammed, before buddha or after buddha,
et al.

Patriarchs fear everything. What does the Patriarch fear the most? It is
the Woman. That is why for over 6000 years he has demonized, dehumanized,
dominated, terrorized and controlled women. In Patriarchy is there anything
the Patriarch does not fear??!

My ancestor Luther Standing Bear wrote circa 1900:"when a man fears the
forest, he will want to control the forest, and what he can’t control, he
will want to destroy." * 
Russell Means!

Missouri caves in history and legend - H. Dwight Weaver -

Missouri caves in history and legend - H. Dwight Weaver - Google Books

Undaunted courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the opening of ... - Stephen E. Ambrose - Google Books

Undaunted courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the opening of ... - Stephen E. Ambrose - Google Books

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bones, Artifacts Taken From Indian Burial Site

compiled by Dee Finney


The founding fathers on that rock shared common characteristics. All four valued white supremacy and promoted the extirpation of Indian society. The United States' founding fathers were staunchly anti-Indian advocates in that at one time or another, all four provided for genocide against Indian peoples of this hemisphere.

George Washington...
In 1779, George Washington instructed Major General John Sullivan to attack Iroquois people. Washington stated, "lay waste all the settlements around...that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed". In the course of the carnage and annihilation of Indian people, Washington also instructed his general not "listen to any overture of peace before the total ruin of their settlements is effected". (Stannard, David E. AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. 118-121.)

In 1783, Washington's anti-Indian sentiments were apparent in his comparisons of Indians with wolves: "Both being beast of prey, tho' they differ in shape", he said. George Washington's policies of extermination were realized in his troops behaviors following a defeat. Troops would skin the bodies of Iroquois "from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings". Indians who survived the attacks later re-named the nation's first president as "Town Destroyer". Approximately 28 of 30 Seneca towns had been destroyed within a five year period. (Ibid)

Thomas Jefferson...
In 1807, Thomas Jefferson instructed his War Department that, should any Indians resist against America stealing Indian lands, the Indian resistance must be met with "the hatchet". Jefferson continued, "And...if ever we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, " he wrote, "we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated, or is driven beyond the Mississippi." Jefferson, the slave owner, continued, "in war, they will kill some of us; we shall destroy all of them". (Ibid)

In 1812, Jefferson said that American was obliged to push the backward Indians "with the beasts of the forests into the Stony Mountains". One year later Jefferson continued anti-Indian statements by adding that America must "pursue [the Indians] to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach". (Ibid)

Abraham Lincoln...

In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the execution, by hanging, of 38 Dakota Sioux prisoners in Mankato, Minnesota. Most of those executed were holy men or political leaders of their camps. None of them were responsible for committing the crimes they were accused of. Coined as the Largest Mass Execution in U.S. History. (Brown, Dee. BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1970. pp. 59-61)

Theodore Roosevelt...
The fourth face you see on that "Stony Mountain" is America's first twentieth century president, alleged American hero, and Nobel peace prize recipient, Theodore Roosevelt. This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands "was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable". Roosevelt once said, "I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth". (Stannard, Op.Cit.)

The apathy displayed by these founding fathers symbolize the demoralization related to racial superiority. Scholars point toward this racial polarization as evidence of the existence of Eugenics.

Eugenics is a new term for an old phenomena which asserts that Indian people should be exterminated because they are an inferior race of people. Jefferson's suggestion to pursue the Indians to extermination fits well into the eugenistic vision. In David Stannard's study American Holocaust, he writes: "had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. Since they were uttered by one of America's founding fathers, however...they conveniently have become lost to most historians in their insistent celebration of Jefferson's wisdom and humanity." Roosevelt feared that American upper classes were being replaced by the "unrestricted breeding" of inferior racial stocks, the "utterly shiftless", and the "worthless" (Ibid)


Aboriginal Communities and Mining in Northern Canada
Special issue of this on-line magazine. (Northern Perspectives 23(3-4). Canadian Arctic Resources Committee, 1996).
Aboriginal Fishing Rights - Canada
Aboriginal Rights - Canada
Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment
"The Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment (ATFE), a community based, grass-roots organization, was formed in 1987 to address the environmental problems facing the Mohawk Nation community of Akwesasne. It is composed of members of the Mohawk community and staff of environmental agencies, Mohawk governments, and organizations within Akwesasne who share a common concern for the environment and the effects of various toxic substances on human and ecosystem health." (1997).
American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Foundation
Animas-La Plata: The last big dam in the West
Basket Weavers Refuse to Cooperate in Pesticide Risk Assessment Study
Basketweavers object to the use of risk assessment procedures to determine their exposure to forestry pesticides as a result of their basket-making. Contr. Joanne Bigcrane. (Louis Martin, Coast News Service, January 17, 1996).
BC Natives Want Trees, Not Treaties
California's Lost Tribes
California's Lost Tribes
Cherokee Removal Forts
Cherokee Wrongs - Listen to the spoken message! It's powerful!
Chippewas vs U.S. - Fishing Rights on the Great Lakes
Chippewa Treaties
Circle Briefs
Claiming Tribal Rights
Collecting Taxes on Sales on Indian Land - (New York)
Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma vs New Jersey
Department Of The Interior, Office Indian Affairs, November 15, 1871
Earth Mother Becomes Real Estate
EA-392; Environmental Assessment and (FONSI) Yakima-Klickitat Production Project Office Of Power Sales Bonneville Power Administration
Environmental Review of Nuclear Dump Flawed
Reports on a resolution by the Lower Colorado River Indian Tribes in opposition to a proposed nuclear dump site at Ward Valley, California (Fort Mojave, Colorado River, Chemeheuvi, Fort Yuma-Quechan, and Cocopah Indian Tribes). (Marsha Shaiman, On Indian Land. Seattle: Support for Native Sovereignty. Archive: NAE, 1996).
Forgotten Tribes Search for a Place in History
Food Pollution Threatens Lives of Inuits in Arctic
(Leyla Alyanak, Earth Times News Service. Archive: World History Archive, 1997).
Gabrielino/Tongva      Saving the Sacred Site
Goldmine Threatens Quechan Sites
Hanford Department of Energy, Indian Nations Program
The DOE is responsible for the cleanup of the Hanford nuclear site in southeastern Washington state. Four tribes have cultural or treaty rights to the lands of Hanford, including the Nez Perce, the Umatilla, Yakima and Wanapum. This site describes the working relationships between Native Americans and the DOE. Some information about the environmental offices of these nations. (1997).
Havasupai Fight To Save Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining
Various posts about this campaign. (Native-L mailing list, 1992).
Happy Indigenous People's Day - Anti-Columbus Day
Haudenosaunee Environmental Action Plan
Indian Burial Grounds for Nuclear Waste
A very good article on the recent history of attempts to bury nuclear waste on reservations. (Randel D. Hanson, Multinational Monitor 16(9). Archive: Fourth World Documentation Project, 1995).
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Environmental Network: Ward Valley
Reports on the efforts of the Colorado River Native Nations Alliance to stop a nuclear dump in Ward Valley.
Indigenous Women's Environmental Network
An ad-hoc organization in Saskatchewan, which has focused its concern on the Meadow Lake Tribal Council's proposal to build a permanent high level nuclear waste repository in northern Saskatchewan. This reference dates from around 1995. (Archive: NAE).
Leavitt's Anti-Nuke Policy Will Strangle Tribe, Say Goshutes
Mike Leavitt is Utah's Governor. (William Claiborne, Salt Lake Tribune, March 11, 1999).
List of Non-Federally Recognized Tribes
Long Island Land Swindle
Memories Come to Us In the Rain and the Wind: Oral Histories and Photographs of Navajo Uranium Miners and Their Families
Excerpts from the book are available on-line. (Doug Brugge, Timothy Benally, Phil Harrison, Martha Austin-Garrison and Lydia Fasthorse-Begay, Boston, MA: Tufts University School of Medicine, 1997).
Menominee Nation Mining Impacts
Good and timely information on mining in Menominee country. (1997).
Messages from the Taïno Restoration and Truth Reclamation/ We Never Disappeared.
Midwestern Conquest Trails
More Than Half of Goshutes Sue Tribe Over Waste Plan
(Jim Woolf, Salt Lake Tribune, March 13, 1999).
National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans
This organization works to prevent nuclear waste dumps on native lands. Find related…
Native Americans and the Environment
Native Americans Bear the Nuclear Burden
About the Shoshone and the Paiute-Shoshone. Provides an overview of the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) project of the Department of Energy. (Andreas Knudsen, Indigenous Affairs. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. Archive: NAE, 1996).
Natives Challenge the Borders
Navajo Dryland Environment Laboratory
Navajo Tribe Embarks on a Long-Term Cleanup
"The Navajo Nation tries to come to terms with a growing garbage problem that has led to numerous illegal dumps on the reservation." (Paul Natonobah, High Country News 29(15). August 18, 1997).
Navajo Uranium Miners Fight for Compensation
(Timothy Sr. Benally, Nic Paget-Clarke, interviewer. In Motion Magazine, 1998?).
Navajo Uranium Radiation Victims: The 4th Indigenous Uranium Forum
A report (with photographs) of a 1990 meeting organized by the Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum in cooperation with the Navajo Uranium Radiation Victims Committee. (Kerry Richardson, 1991).
New Front In The Waste Wars—Part 2: The Poisoners Invade Indian Country
(Peter Montague, RACHEL's Environment and Health Weekly 239. Annapolis: Environmental Research Foundation, 1991).
Petitioners List for Federal Recognition As an "American Indian Tribe" - 1998
Poison Fire, Sacred Earth: Testimonies, Lectures Conclusions
Extensive excerpts from the testimony given in 1992 at the World Uranium Hearing in Salzburg, Austria. Many Native Americans spokespersons participated and this is an excellent on-line resource. (World Uranium Hearing, World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg, 1992., 1992).
Project Chariot: The Nuclear Legacy of Cape Thompson, Alaska
In 1957, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission selected a site approximately 30 miles southeast of the Inupiat Eskimo village of Point Hope to perform a number of "experiments," including the release of radioactive materials from a Nevada test site to analyze how such material would disperse through the area. The AEC's project involved the projected relocation of the Point Hope Inupiat.the relocation of the Katovik Inupiat. This article tells the history of these events. (Norman Chance, Artic Circle).
Protecting Sacred Ground - Gold Mines
Racial Politics of Ancestry
Red Cliff Chippewa File Law Suit Against the State - Wisconsin
Remaining Causes of Indian Discontent (John Okison, 1907)
Repatriation of Indian Remains
Residues of Forestry Herbicides in Plants of Interest to Native Americans: Phase One—Development of Methodologies and Pilot Sampling
This project is the first phase of a two-phase study to assess exposure of basketweavers to forestry herbicides. Full report of study available on-line. Contr. Joanne Bigcrane. (R. Segawa, A. Bradley, P. Lee, D. Tran, J. White, J. Hsu, and K. Goh, April. California Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Hazards Assessment Program, 1997)
Resolution on a Nuclear Free Zone in the Arctic
The nuclear free zone was re-declared, partly because of MX and cruise missile testing or concerns about it in the arctic region. No date. (Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Archive: Fourth World Documentation Project).
Save Ward Valley Coalition
One of the political coalitions fighting to stop a nuclear dump in Ward Valley; others include the Colorado River Native Nations Alliance. (1998).
Save Ward Valley Newsletter
The Colorado River Native Nations Alliance opposes a proposed nuclear dump in Ward Valley. (Earthrunnner, 1996-).
Serpent Mound - Newark Octagon State Memorial Threatened By Construction
Skull Valley Goshutes - Nuclear Waste
Skull Valley Goshutes
Devoted exclusively to the issue of storing spent nuclear fuel on the Skull Valley Reservation (this is one continuing development of the MRS program on Native American lands that was widely reported several years ago in environmental publications). The state of Uah and over half the tribe are suing to stop the plan.
Special Alert - Makah Whaling
Tanacross - Hunting Rights - Alaska
The Canadian Government and the Great White Lie
The Continuing Sordid History of the Treatment of the Esselen Indians
The Crimes of Christopher Columbus
   Examining the Reputation of Christopher Columbus
  16 January 1493 [Atlantic Slave Trade]
  An article which lays the origins of the slave trade in North America
  squarely at the feet of Christopher Columbus.
The Dispossessed Cowlitz
The Holocaust of the Native Americans
The Mojave Tribe After the White Man Came
The Ramapough Mountain Indians
The Thunderwater Movement
The Yakima or Yakama Indians
Uranium Industry and Indigenous Peoples of North America
(Four Directions Council, Submission to the United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. Archive: Fourth World Documentation Project, 1987).
Uranium Mining and the Church Rock Disaster
In 1979, a dam burst and released tons of radioactive mill wastes into the Rio Puerco River, a water source for Navajo families and their livestock. The long-term health disaster that has resulted is now one of the most well-known examples of the dangers that uranium mining poses to the Navajo and others in the Southwest. This is a very useful chapter-length history of these events. (Harvey Wasserman and Norman Solomon, Excerpt from Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, 1945-1982. New York: Delacorte Press, 1982).
Violence in Indian Country over Waste
An article about violent conflicts over toxic waste dumping on native lands. (Peter Montague, RACHEL's Environment and Health Weekly 404. Annapolis: Environmental Research Foundation, 1994).
Ward Valley
A proposed nuclear dump in Ward Valley, California, is opposed by the Mojave/Mohave and the Chemehuevi peoples. (Bay Area Nuclear Waste Coalition, 1997-).
Waste Programs Environmental Justice Accomplishments Report
For anyone with a desire to oversee bureaucratic justification, the EPA explains its progress on environmental justice for Native Americans. (Environmental Protection Agency, 1996).
Water Rights in the Southwest
Water Rights in California
Winds of Change
White Mesa Utes Beat Back Superfund Tailings
"White Mesa Utes defeat DOE's plans to dump hazardous waste on land surround their reservation." (Carol Sisco, High Country News 27(1), January 23, 1995).
Wovoka's Message: The Promise of the Ghost Dance
Yankton Sioux Oppose Reservation Waste Dump
The Yankton Sioux are going to receive a waste dump on their reservation, despite irregularities in the environmental review process and even though they are not members of the landfill district siting the dump. Article from Support for Native Sovereignty. (On Indian Land. Seattle: Support for Native Sovereignty. Archive: NAE, 1996).
Hi, All. Just a quick note to let you know that indeed, we have achieved a small victory for Truth.
That hate-filled website ( which condoned and implicitly encouraged genocide, violence, and atrocities against the Lakhota Sioux and all Traditional Native Americans has been shut down by its webserver,, as being in violation of the webserver's hate and harassment regulations.
Additionally, the egroups mailing list, WhiteBuffaloTalk, sponsored by the person on aol (NAIndian/CherokeeNeshoba) and which promoted that twisted sick website has also been removed.
Furthermore, several activist and hatewatch organizations have become involved and there are now lawsuits pending for violation of United States Civil and Hate Crimes.
I truly thank each and every one of you who wrote to protest these horrific things. A real grassroots confrontation with hate, and it was phenomenal work! Fighting the proverbial good fight never ends but it sure looks like we won this battle. What each of us did truly affected us all.
Mitakuye oyasin.... we are all related. -steph

Flags of the Native Peoples of the US All US Tribes Main Access Map Index
American Indian Reservation Summary
BIA Criteria for Acknowledgement as an Indian Tribe
Indian Identity: Who Is Drawing the Boundaries?
Indian Nations: The United States and Citizenship 1983
Map of Native American Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks Smithsonian Institution
Native American Population Statistics US Census statitics for 1980 and 1990 compared for Native Americans
Native American Socio-Economic Characteristics Education, Occupation, Income
Native American Languages Spoken in the Home
The Indian Removal Act of 1830
The White Buffalo - This site contains the worst lies of all
Tribal Leaders Discuss the Importance of the April 1, 2000 U.S. Census
Tribal Leaders List and Agency Information Bureau of Indian Affairs
U.S. Census Bureau General Information
U.S. Federal and State Reservation Map
When is a Tribe a Tribe?

U.S. Department of Interior
U.S. Department of Interior - email addressesTreaty of Prairie du Chein
Treaty 7 Tribal Council
The Indian Defense League of America
Native Political Action group
Native American Political Issues
Bureau of Indian Affairs  this page is not available as of 8-30-02 due to a law suit
BIA: Branch of Acknowledgement
Native American Population Statistics US Census statitics for 1980 and 1990 compared for Native Americans
Native American Socio-Economic Characteristics Education, Occupation, Income
U.S. Census Bureau General Information
Native American Documents Project Cal State at San Marcos: Professor E. Schwartz
Native American Constitution and Law Digitalization Project Tribal constitutions and codes are the heart of self-government for over 500 federally recognized tribes, and are the lifeblood of Indian sovereignty. The University of Oklahoma Law Center Library and the National Indian Law Library work with tribes whose government documents appear on this web site; these tribal documents are either placed online with the permission of the tribes, or they are U.S. Government documents, rightfully in the public domain.

Custers Last Stand
The Battle of the Greasy Grass (c. 1898) by Mato Wanartaka (Lakota: 1846-1904). The Southwest Museum, Los Angeles
The Battle of the Little Bighorn: Two Perspectives
Indian Memorial at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument "If this memorial is to serve its total purpose, it must not only be a tribute to the dead, ; it must contain a mesage for the living...power through unity..." Enos Poor Bear, Sr. , Oglala Lakota Elder
Killing Custer A review of the book by Blackfeet-Gros Ventre author James Welch
Red Horse A Lakota account of the battle
Kate Bighead A Cheyenne's woman's account of the battle
The Little Bighorn-Description of the events of "Custer's Last Stand" by ES Curtis.

The Army's greatest Indian fighter, George Crook, may have contributed to Custer's defeat at Little Bighorn. However, during his last years he campaigned vigorously on behalf of the Lakota Indians. Cheif Red Cloud once said: "Crook never lied to us. His words gave people hope".

Biography Marcus A. Reno (1834 - 1889) by THE WEST TV Series
Officer in charge of the only unit to survive the battle of the Little Bighorn.

Biography John Gibbon (1827 - 1896) by THE WEST TV Series
Infantry Commander with General Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn and commander at other battles.

Biography of Alfred H. Terry (1827 - 1890) by THE WEST TV Series A military commander under general Custer.
Biography Philip Sheridan (1831 - 1888) by THE WEST TV Series
A ruthless general during the wars against the plains Indians, with no concern for casualties among innocent non-warriors.

Little Bighorn Coverup

BY President Andrew Jackson - 1830
The Indian Removal Act, signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830, required all tribes east of the Mississippi to cede their land to the U.S. government and migrate to the western plains. The journey west, called the "Trail of Tears," took its tool on the four southern nations (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Cherokee) forced to move. Many Indians left behind comfortable homes and fertile farmlands, and one-third of the migrants perished in their new surroundings. This depiction of the Trail of Tears shows how little the Indians were able to take with them on their mandatory relocation.
The Indian Removal Act of 1830 - The Trail of Tears
Note: The Indian Removal Act empowered by president Andrew Jackson allowed the U.S. Government to move eastern Indians west of the Mississippi, mainly Cherokees. The purpose was to put pressure off arising conflicts since the flawed thinking was that the white settlements would never penetrate that part of the continent. The project was ill-conceived and culturally chauvinistic. Even the staunchest defenders of this act were admitting defeat at the time. In the spring and summer of 1838, more than 15,000 Cherokee were removed by the U.S. Army from their ancestral homelands in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. They were held in concentration camps through the summer and fall then forced to travel nearly 1,000 miles during an extremely harsh winter to Indian Territory in Oklahoma.
It is estimated that almost 4,000 died of hunger, dysentery, exposure and other causes during the trek. Members of the tribe call the forced evacuation of their homelands and the horrendous journey "Nunahi-Duna-Dlo-Hilu-I", which translates to "Trail Where They Cried". The infamous removal concept was later refined into the reservation idea.
The Trail Where They Cried
nu na hi du na tlo hi lu i
Indian Territory in U.S. history, name applied to the country set aside for Native Americans by the Indian Intercourse Act (1834). In the 1820s, the Federal government began moving the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Choctaw, and Chickasaw) of the Southeast to lands West of the Mississippi River. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave the President authority to designate specific lands for them, and in 1834 Congress formally approved the choice. The Indian Territory included present-day Oklahoma N and E of the Red River, as well as Kansas and Nebraska; the lands were delimited in 1854, however, by the creation of the Kansas and Nebraska territories. Tribes other than the original five also moved there, but each tribe maintained its own government. As white settlers continued to move westward, pressure to abolish the Indian Territory mounted. With the opening of W Oklahoma to whites in 1889 the way was prepared for the extinction of the territory, achieved in 1907 with the entrance of Oklahoma into the Union.

TREATIES Treaty Between England and the Canadian Chippewas
Treaties by Nation Native American Web Services (Nawebs) has published nearly 400 downloadable full-length treaties. Excellent resource.
Fort laramie Treaty of 1868 with the Lakota and Dakota (Santee)
Lakota Treaty of 1825: Teton River
Lakota Treaty of 1825: Lookout River
Lakota Treaty of 1851: Fort Laramie
Agreement of 1882 with Lakota and Dakota People
Federal Treaties Made with Individual Native Nations Alphabetical Gopher Listing
U.S. Goverment Bills Concerning American Indians
Big White Lies
Wounded Knee (1890) Note: Wounded Knee Creek, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota December 29, 1890.
For the Plains Indians this was the last act of defiance ending in a massacre carried out by Colonel James Forsyth's Seventh Cavalry. There would be no more battles but this 100+ years old memory is still a wound in many hearts. Perhaps the most famous Indian-fighting general in the U.S. Army at the time, General Nelson A. Miles, accused Forsyth of "blind stupidity or criminal indifference" and relieved him of command. General Miles called this "a useless slaughter of Indian women and children". But the war department, determined to portray this finalconfrontation of the Indian wars in a heroic light, stopped any further investigation of the incident.

Wounded Knee:
Historical facts and information

- approved by traditional elders on the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River reservations.
Medals of dis-Honor
Medals of dis-Honor Campaign
An email campaign has been initiated so as to force the U.S. Government to rescind the twenty medals of dis-Honor awarded participants in the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Your help is input form is provided for your convenience
Lieutenant Bascom Gets His Due..
So proudly the Army displays it's flag with over 170 battle streamers at the Pentagon, White House, West Point Military Academy, museums and Army posts throughout the world. The Pine Ridge battle streamer has the highest number of Congressional Medals of (dis)Honor (20) of all the streamers...
Use of the Army Flag at EPA Events: The September 1999 directive from the EPA Office of Civil Rights, and the memorandum from The American Indian Advisory Committee.
Wounded Knee Survivors Association Testimony - Senate Hearing, September 1990
A Chronology of Events Leading Up to the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre
Note that the Massacre at Wounded Knee did not happen in a vacuum, it was not an unrelated incident. The fires of hatred and racism were fueled from many quarters and a volatility was building. Contributing a good deal of fuel were newspaper articles and editorials such as those mentioned below.
"The death of Sitting Bull removes one of the obstacles to civilization...He was a greasy savage..." So reads an article published on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1890 in the St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, Missouri.
Writing in his newspaper the "The Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer", Aberdeen, South Dakota, L. Frank Baum opined with regard to the Indian Nations, that "We cannot honestly regret their extermination..."
Thus fueled was the murderous firestorm that was Wounded Knee.
Wasichu's Continuing Gall...the Buffalo Nickle Act
Putting Enemy Heads On Pikes...
a response to the Buffalo Nickle Act
Wounded Knee Massacre
with photos
The Murder of the Wind of Peace
Wounded Knee
Are we about to do it again?
Turning Hawk and American Horse The Native account of the massacre
Wovoka-The Messiah The Ghost Dance

Missouri Indian burial mound

Mystery Mound of Missouri
Boulware Mound Group Archaeological Site
Brown, E.L., Village and Mound Archaeological Site
Crigler Mound Group Archaeological Site
Delta Center Mound
Denton Mound and Village Archaeological Site
Mealy Mounds Archaeological Site
Mellor Village and Mounds Archaeological District
Mellor Village and Mounds Archaeological District (Boundary Increase)
Murphy Mound Archaeological Site
Osterhout Mound Park
Pigman Mound Archaeological Site
Portwood Village and Mound
Sharkey Mound Group
Sugar Loaf Mound
Mound City - Native American Mounds - St. Louis (Part 1)

In Connecticut Irene Unearths Bones Believed to Be from Native American Burial Ground
When the powerful Tropical Storm Irene swept through, the storm unearthed a mystery in Branford.
Part of Linden Avenue collapsed from the storm and neighbors of a beach there found what they believed were human bones protruding from the embankment that the storm eroded and called Branford police. Those bones, experts have determined, likely came from an ancient Native American burial site.
Police responded to the eroded area on Aug. 29 and brought the bones to the Connecticut State Medical Examiner’s Office, who determined the bones were human, and possibly of Native American origin.
"They were femurs, some rib bones, parts of the pelvis," said Running Fox, a member of the Quinnipiac Tribal Council.  He said the unearthed bones were remains of two members of the Totoket Quinnipiac Tribe.
Over the last few weeks, Branford Police and the town’s engineer, Janice Plaziak, have worked closely with archaeologists and members of the Native American Heritage Advisory Council to maintain the integrity and security of the site until a proper method of returning the area back to its pre-storm condition could be determined.
“Our major concern during these preceding weeks was to maintain the honor and respect of those Native Americans who may have been laid to rest in this area and work closely with their ancestors to maintain the dignity they deserve,” Police Chief Kevin Halloran said.
A special burial ceremony was held Thursday to return the remains to their rightful place.
"It gives us an opportunity to thank the creator and ask him to watch over them so they will never be disturbed again," Fox said.

DIA and ancient Indian burial grounds

DIA's huge pedestrian bridge.
DIA's huge pedestrian bridge.
Is DIA built on top of ancient Native American graves?
Such rumors are certainly part of the airport’s folklore among DIA employees and frequent travelers. This is usually in reference to the pedestrian bridge arching between the main Jeppesen Terminal building  and Concourse A. It is on these moving walkways that visitors will hear the sounds of  Native American chants being played from speakers in a continuous loop. Officially the recordings are part of the extensive DIA art program and have been playing non-stop, 24-hours a day since the airport’s opening 14-years-ago.
As the story goes, the airport was constructed on top of burial grounds and spiritual sites used for centuries by the native tribes that populated the Front Range before the coming of the White Man. The perpetual playing of Native American songs in the 365-foot-long bridge was originally initiated by officials as a way to placate any angry spirits who might want to pull a Poltergeist or The Shining on one of the nation’s busiest airports. People in the conspiracy theory world think the burial ground may have connections to the Navajo writing in the floors at DIA and the dead Native American women seen in the Tanguma murals.
When asked, DIA spokespeople laugh-off the notion that the music has anything to do with angry spirits or that the land where the airport sits was a burial site for ancient tribes. Noting that little archeological evidence of Indian burial sites has ever been found around DIA, they surmise that the rumor had its origin in a ceremony that was performed around the time of  DIA’s groundbreaking in the late-80′s by various Native American shaman to bless the new facility. Anything else is pure conjecture, they assert.
What they don’t mention is the secret ceremony conducted on the grounds of the airport in 1995.
That April, coalition of Native American spiritual leaders from around the country performed a night-time ceremony at several sites around the airport to put ancient spirits to rest that were disturbed by the construction of the multi-billion dollar airport. They were part of an official city group under the Webb administration called the “DIA Spiritual Resolution Committee.”
Members included representatives of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes who said they had discovered several sites where the spirits had been disturbed, said an article in the Rocky Mountain News. The city and the airport even paid for leaders of the Montana Cheyenne to come to Denver calm the Indian ghosts. At the time, one of the group’s members told another reporter that “Whenever [spirits] are disturbed, it seems like bad things come about.”
Better keep that music playing.



It cost Denver taxpayers $700 to have Lance Allrunner arrange a secret ghost-busting ceremony at Denver International Airport last month. But the way Allrunner sees it, it was money well spent.
Allrunner, a 26-year-old Denver resident, traveled by car to the Cheyenne Indian reservations in Oklahoma and Montana earlier this year as an emissary of Denver mayor Wellington Webb. His mission: to confer with leaders of the tribe about ancient spirits allegedly agitated during the construction of DIA.
Rumors that the new airport was built atop a Native American burial ground have circulated for years, though copious archaeological research has never found any evidence to support them. What's more, a group of Indians already blessed the airport in a religious ceremony eight years before. But Allrunner, a volunteer member of the city's "DIA Spiritual Resolution Committee," says it was best not to take any chances. Allrunner, who is part Cheyenne, succeeded in convincing representatives of the Montana Cheyenne to come to DIA and calm the Indian ghosts in a nighttime ritual conducted on Easter weekend.
"Whenever [spirits] are disturbed, it seems like bad things come about," Allrunner says. "I was thinking about the safety of people."
Reimbursement for Allrunner's travel costs, records show, came from the Agency for Human Rights and Community Relations, an obscure branch of city government that has engendered more than its share of controversy in the past year.
The stated mission of HRCR is to make sure City Hall has a human face--and, in the words of its director, to take care of "the most vulnerable of Denver's citizens." But critics of the agency, including former employees, say that under the current administration, HRCR has been plagued by mismanagement, political cronyism and spending that has ranged from the wasteful to the simply bizarre.
"The whole agency stinks," says Michelle Mobley, a former Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) worker assigned to HRCR last summer.
Last year Webb transferred responsibility for the federally funded "Weed & Seed" anti-crime program from HRCR to another city department after residents charged that the initiative was being mismanaged. But complaints about the program have persisted. Just last week, former HRCR employee Sue Weinstein went public with allegations that her colleagues at Weed & Seed had been hired on the basis of their ties to Webb and were more concerned with serving the mayor than with fighting crime in city neighborhoods.
In March, KMGH-TV/Channel 7 revealed that a block captain in HRCR's Neighborhood Watch program had been indicted by a federal grand jury for drug trafficking. Around the same time, Westword reported that an HRCR anti-crime coordinator active in the Webb campaign had been arrested three times in the past twelve years.
Larry Borom, the former head of the Denver Urban League whom Webb appointed to head HRCR in 1993, says the agency does a good job overall. "We serve as a liaison between the city and the citizens," Borom says. "That's what makes the city a human place--a place that cares about its citizens."
And some Denver residents say they are truly thankful for HRCR. Highland neighborhood resident Russ Tarver, for instance, says the agency helped him get a handicapped parking space in front of his home after he suffered a stroke a few years ago.
But even Tarver, who sits on the board of his neighborhood association, voices frustration with the agency. When he went back to HRCR last year to get Neighborhood Watch materials translated into Spanish for Highland's Hispanic residents, he says, staffers were rude and uncooperative. "They didn't want to help," Tarver says. "They didn't want to do anything."
Webb's political opponents, including supporters of Mary DeGroot, Webb's challenger in the mayoral election, go even further, charging that the agency has been used as a taxpayer-funded auxiliary of the Webb campaign. HRCR is "real good at promoting supporters of Mayor Webb, in my opinion," says city councilman Ted Hackworth, a longtime Webb foe. "That's its main purpose."
Founded in 1948, HRCR has grown into an umbrella agency whose official goals couldn't be loftier. The current city ordinance authorizing HRCR says its purpose is to provide "an equal opportunity for citizens of Denver to participate fully in the economic, cultural and intellectual life of the city."
The agency attempts to do that by supervising nine different offices and commissions, each with separate responsibilities. There's the Commission on Youth, which oversees programs for city teenagers and runs the Neighborhood Watch anti-crime program. There's the Public Safety Review Commission, which hears citizen complaints of police brutality. There's the Office of Citizen Response, intended to serve as a general governmental troubleshooter for Denver residents and help them negotiate the bureaucratic maze of City Hall.
Borom says HRCR offices like the Denver Women's Commission are important, even in an era when voters are railing against government waste and public spending is being cut to the bone. "For the cost that you pay, you get a very high-quality product--a distilled sense of where the problems are" for women in the city, Borom says. "It's a really important function to empower the women in the community. And no one else does that."